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Frequently Asked Questions about the Beko 400 TR | Token E-Commerce

Frequently Asked Questions about the Beko 400 TR

A cash register POS device is a device that is created by a combination of cash registers and POS devices and through which only payment transactions can be made. Beko 400 TR, on the other hand, is a platform where different applications can be loaded since it is an Android device. Thus, sales management and e-invoice applications can be loaded together with the bank application; it combines sales management, payment collection and e-invoice issuance transactions on a single device.

Yes. In 400 TR Android POS, which combines the physical and digital sales of businesses, invoices are prepared automatically and as e-invoices. Taxpayers with a gross sales revenue of 5 million TL and above for the 2019 accounting period are subject to the obligation of e-invoice transition as of July 1, 2020. When you purchase 400 TR, you will automatically switch to the e-invoice system without paying an admission charge.

No. For transactions of 500 TL or less, e-archive invoices can be issued without entering customer information.

Yes. 400 TR can be integrated with all barcode readers.

Yes. There is no obstacle for a business to receive services from more than one e-invoice special integrator simultaneously

Yes. Invoices are issued automatically and as e-invoices on 400TR Android POS, which combines physical and digital sales of businesses. Taxpayers with a gross sales revenue of 5 million TL or more for the 2019 accounting period are subject to the e-invoice transition requirement as of July 1, 2020. When 400TR is purchased, you automatically switch to the e-invoice system without paying an entry fee.

Yes. By purchasing a 400 TR device, you can easily switch to the e-invoice system and fulfill your financial obligations. Those who switch to the e-invoice system can also continue to use cash register POS devices to receive payments. They can issue e-invoice information receipts from their cash register POS devices for the e-invoices they created.

In order to extend the subscription period for your platform service; you can log in to the Token Workplace Platform (, select the device whose service package has expired under the "Devices and Subscriptions" menu, select the device whose service package has expired and click "Extend Subscription", select your Monthly / Annual service package or complete your payment with the Subscription Card.

If you wish to terminate your TokenX platform membership and log out of the system, you can send us your request via e-mail to with your terminal number.

To view and pay your outstanding balance for your platform service, you can log in to the Token Workplace Platform (, click on "My Devices" under the "Devices and Subscriptions" menu, view your outstanding balance and complete your payment.

To update your payment method for your platform service, you can change your payment method by logging in to the Token Workplace Platform ( and then clicking on "Payment Methods" under the "Workplace Account" menu.